10agrans's ShopAverage Rating4.00(based on 2 reviews)Resources for: OCR GCSE PE BTEC level 3: Unit 2 KS3/4 PEEdit shopAdd a resource
10agransOCR GCSE PE Paper 1 Revision: Movement analysis(0)Revision worksheet for movement analysis: Levers, planes of movement and axis of rotation.
10agransOCR GCSE PE Paper 1: Short term effects of exercise(0)Revision resource/ worksheet for short term effects of exercise
10agransOCR GCSE PE Paper 1 Revision: Long term effects of exercise(0)Revision resource / worksheet for long term effects of exercise
10agransOCR GCSE PE Paper 1 Revision: Movement analysis 2(0)Revision worksheet for movement analysis: Levers, planes of movement, axis of rotation
10agransOCR GCSE PE Paper 1 Revision: Components of fitness(0)OCR GCSE PE components of fitness revision resource
10agransOCR GCSE PE Paper 1 Revision: Methods of training(0)Revision resource / worksheet for methods of training
10agransOCR GCSE PE Paper 1 Revision: Fitness testing(0)Revision resource / Worksheet for fitness testing
10agransAthletics resource cards - technique(0)Resources bundle for: Sprint starts High jump Shot putt Javelin Long jump
10agransOCR GCSE PE Paper 1 Revision: Principles of training(0)Revision resource / work sheet for principles of training
10agransOCR GCSE PE PAPER 1 MUSCULAR SYSTEM(0)OCR PE GCSE muscular system Muscle groups Antagonistic pairs Antagonistic muscle action
10agransOCR GCSE PE Muscular system worksheets(0)Worksheets for lessons on: Muscle groups Antagonistic muscle pairs Antagonistic muscle action Movement analysis
10agransOCR PE paper 1 Respiratory system worksheet(0)Structure Mechanics of breathing Anaerobic and aerobic
10agransOCR GCSE PE Cardiovascular system worksheet(0)Worksheets to be used in lesson for: Blood vessels structure of the heart Double circulatory system
10agransOCR GCSE Skeletal system worksheet(0)Worksheets used for lessons on: Structure of the skeleton Structure of joints Types of joints and types of movement Analysing types of movement
10agransOCR GCSE PE Principles of training(0)Methods of training x 2 Advantages and disadvantages Application SPOR FITT
10agransGCSE OCR PE Paper 1 skeletal system resources(0)OCR PAPER 1 Skeletal system worksheets. Structure of skeletal system Structure of joints Types of joints and movement Analysing types of movement
10agransOCR GCSE PE Respiratory system worksheets(0)Worksheets for respiratory lessons: Structure of respiratory system Mechanisms of breathing Aerobic / anaerobic exercise